With a population boom and swish new places to live and work, Salford is undergoing a major renaissance. Population estimates suggest the city grew by 2,500 people in 2017/18, now boasting a quarter of a million people. The incredible growth isn’t set to slow down any time soon.

Salford is forecast to grow substantially over the next decade – by almost 20,000 people – and see 15,000 more jobs and £1.64bn added to the economy. City Mayor Paul Dennett said Salford is leading growth in Greater Manchester, experiencing unprecedented levels of investment. “In the last two years Salford’s economy has grown by almost £230m, with 900 more businesses and 1,200 extra jobs being created,”


Mr Dennett added. “MediaCityUK is second only to London for digital businesses and will double in size over the next 10 years – and that’s just one element of Salford’s success story. Alongside that, we are creating new neighbourhoods which provide a good mix of homes for all and new, connected, digital workplaces and putting culture and creativity at the heart of this,” he added.